
ELIAS BOUDINOT (1835 - 1890) Cherokee Indian leader who helped his uncle Stand Watie organize the Cherokee Indian Regiment for the Confederate Army, also represented the Southern Cherokees in the Confederate Congress. Fine A.L.S. "Elias Boudinot " with his distinctive paraph, 1p., 4to., Burlington [New Jersey]. May 16, 1814. To "My dear Brother " [Elisha Boudinot, 1749-1819, his younger brother who became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey]. He writes: "...I have been confined since my last [letter] with a repeated attack of the Gout in my left foot, which soon arose to my Head & has been the Cause of great Pain and distress – I am thru' the Mercy of God, so far restored, tho yet very sore, as to expect to get out of my Room to day, & must risque going to Philadelphia on Wednesday, even if I should be obliged to return before my business is ended...". At this time, Boudinot was busy writing his third religious work, "The Second Advent ," and was collecting sermons written by others as part of this project. He continues: "I did not receive your Packett by Mr Bayard till the evening before last – I am obliged by the Sermon – I have done the needful as to the Divine, and if I get to Philadelphia will attend to the papers for Mr. Baldwin – There must be some mistake in your information ". Turning to investment matters involving his daughter Susan Bradford, he writes: "I wish to be informed whether you have or are likely to get the shares in Jersey for Susan, as if not, I will try to lay out the Money in the best of the new Banks of Philadelphia – Let me know when, what you have let out, will be due, as if I lay it out in Philadelphia I must know when to make it payable – You say nothing what was done at N. York with the Proxy gag. I dare not to increase my Letters [of Credit], as working does not agree with my present state. I am my Dr Brother / Yours Affty / Elias Boudinot ". Age-toned, otherwise in very good condition. Boudinot was a revered and sage statesman. His philosophy was "take the world as you find it and convert even prejudices to usefulness ". His beloved only child Susan Vergereau (1764-1854), married Pennsylvania Supreme Court jurist William Bradford in 1784. With a striking engraved portrait, very good. $700-900

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